10 ways to improve your life

10 ways to improve your life

              Many of our problems come from within our own minds. They aren’t caused by events, bad luck, or other people. We cause them through our own poor mental habits. Here are 10 habits you should set aside right away to free yourself from the many problems each one will be causing you.

1) Defeat the difficulty of beginning :

The first step is the most difficult, it's simple, small, not give much but it is too important.
The beginning is the weighty part in work.
That's how you conquer them. Don't dismiss them; face them. Say, Here's what I'm afraid of. I wonder what I could do to change that. Face your fears today.
You've got to believe in the possibilities. You've got to believe that tomorrow can be better than today. Believe in yourself. There isn't a skill you can't learn; there isn't a discipline you can't try; there isn't a class you can't take; there isn't a book you couldn't read.
Set Your Goals And Never Give Up,Without goals we stand still, and achieve very little, we don't move forward and when we don't move forward, we get bored and stagnate. Goals give your life meaning and a purpose, they give you something positive to focus on and they prevent you from getting bored. Before you set your goal, you need to know who you are and what you want.You can achieve anything that you set your mind to and when you achieve your goal, it will give you a sense of achievement and it will leave you feeling proud of yourself and your accomplishments.Although goals can be challenging at times and you will face setbacks and challenges on your journey, that is part of the journey, and you love nothing more than overcoming challenges and succeeding.Try to make your goals enjoyable and don't allow your happiness to be a condition of your success and the end accomplishment. Inspired action, enjoyment and a strong desire, is far better than struggle, stress, frustration and trying to motivate yourself.

2) You ! The pilot of your life : 

Be your self ! Each of us is unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting.
Be responsible, pilot your boat in life, the most tiresome thing is to be something you are not.
Live your dreams.
Be creative.This would be a good place to add your own tip for improving your life right now. Go ahead, be creative!
Forget about impressing others. No matter what you do, some people will like you and some won’t. Why not just be yourself so that those who do like you, like you for who you really are. Really, being yourself is impressive enough.

3) Be a good listener : 

Better to remain silent and be thought a Fool than to speak and remove all doubt-Abraham Lincoln .
the silent is the best choice sometimes, cultivate the skill of being an exceptional listener.
Know the way how to look at person in the eyes, hang on their every word and make them feel important.
If we are really listening we will always hear more than words. Try to hear the meaning behind the words without presuming you already know.

4) Expand your interests : 

The more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you are to others.
Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything - Tomie de Paola
Have an opinion.
A big part of self-education is book reading. Book reading isn’t
complete (skill mastery is the other half of self-education), but I’d guess if
you’re reading 30-50 books per year, you’re learning more than most people in full-time classes.

Keep learning new things. Learning is what keeps us excited about life. Your mind has an almost infinite ability to take in knowledge.

Learn And Listen,You should never stop learning. No matter how much you know already, there is always an opportunity to learn more information and better your life skills, your work, hobby and goal related skills. 
Science is constantly discovering more, technology is forever advancing, as a human race we are figuring out more about the world and finding better or new ways of doing things, so don't get left behind.
The same applies to personal growth and development, and learning more about you and how to better your life will keep you feeling alive, energized and motivated. We all need something worthwhile to motivate us to get out of bed in the mornings and give our lives meaning and purpose.Spend a little time each and every day reading, studying and learning something new that is going to help you.   
 Focus on your own personal growth and self discovery journey. Be ready, prepared and fully committed to achieve your dreams and better you and your life experience. Invest some time in improving and advancing your various skill levels, whether that is related to your work, career advancements, problem solving, your communication skills or pursuing your goals and hobbies.  If there is something that you have been wanting to learn or do for a very long time, just do it, go for it and seize that opportunity and don't look back.
The worse thing you can do, is look back with regret, because you allowed procrastination or self sabotage to prevent you from following your dreams. Procrastination and excuses will hold you back and keep you small and stuck.

5) Make new friends and relations : 

Meeting new people, especially those unlike you, it not only exposes you the different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, it broadens your horizon.
Be a good conversationalist.
Respect for others, nothing improves a person's personality more than integrity and respect.
Keep your promises.
Integrity is like loyalty. You can't demand it of someone else; you can only demand it of yourself. Be the best example of loyalty and you'll get loyal followers. Be the best example of integrity and you'll have people around you who have integrity. Lead the way
Knowing people can help you make connections that can make you more effective in
your work. Being more effective in your work can give you more time to
spend with friends, or just make you more valuable to other people in your network.
The more value you create the more valuable you become to the world around you. Many people are only concerned about creating value for themselves, this is a selfish reality. Contribute the abundance around you and you will experience real abundance in return.

6) Have a positive attitude :

Having a positive attitude makes you more creative and it can help you to make better decisions.
Be the kind of upbeat person who lights up room with your energy when you enter it.
Then you must conserve your energy. Never waste your energy in useless pursuits. Too much talking and gossiping, aimless wandering, habit of worrying, losing your temper frequently—all these drain away your energy. Give up, all habits that are likely to have an adverse effect on health. Smoking and illegal drugs are a curse upon students.
Let go of negative thoughts. Don’t poison yourself by dwelling on negative thoughts. Your life reflects your dominate thought patterns, make yours positive.
Develop Emotional Intelligence,Understanding your emotions will help you to get to know yourself better, and emotional intelligence is developing the ability to be able to assess and manage your emotions so you can control and quickly change your state at will. Emotional intelligence is not all about your thoughts, it also involves, becoming aware of all the different types of situations that cause you to react badly or even cause you to hold back, not act and play it safe. Once you are aware of the thoughts and situations that activate any bad feelings, you can either, feel the emotion and release it, or investigate the beliefs behind your negative feelings and once you've uncovered the limiting beliefs, you can start to change them. It will also give you and insight into your moods, and it will give you a better understanding of what makes you feel good and what doesn't, and it will allow you to gain control of your moods and your stress.

7) Have a good sense of humor : 

Comic relief is a much welcome and needed diversion at times.
If you can add fun and lightheatedness, others will naturally be attracted to you.
Greet everyone with a smile. A smile can light up a single heart, or a whole room. It’s a wonderful free gift you can give to anyone who looks your way. Contribute to the bank of happiness, smile.
Laughter is powerful medicine, so laugh often.

8) offer a helping hand to those in need : 

Always look for little opportunities to help others.
Be the support for others when they need it.
We all love a cheerleader in our corner, someone who is encouraging, believes in us and helps pick us up when we're down.
Out of your life there must flow out ceaseless love, kindness, and compassion. Never hurt anyone. Never hurt even the least one of God’s creatures either by thought, word, or action. Even in dreams you should never think of harming or hurting any creature. This sublime principle of non-injury, harmlessness, is given a very great place in the eternal Vedic way of life. Be a centre of help, be a centre of benefit, be a centre of happiness and peace to all. Never injure, never hurt, never harm any living creature.

9) shine like the sun : 

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
People believe in your doing, not in your saying.
Develop opinions on important issues.
Read something everyday.
Have good manners.
Have more than you show, speak less than you know- William Shakespeare.
Failures are divided into two classes - those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought.- John Charles Salak.
Be considerate of others. Showing consideration is a way of honoring others. Most people will respond in kind. When you honor others, you honor yourself.
Have goals, Goals give us something to focus on. They also provide a sense of purpose and direction. But remember, you can’t achieve a goal you haven’t set. So, set goals in every area of life.
Be optimistic. Optimism is a wonderful mindset. It focuses your energy on possibility. Your whole world looks brighter through the window of optimism.

10) share your knowledge :

If you share your knowledge, the exchanges has a positive total; for example if I give you 10 euros, I will lose it, but if I give you the knowledge it stills with me !
When we share a material object, we divide it, but if you share an immaterial object, we multiple it.
They say two heads think better than one. When different skills and experiences collide, eye-opening ideas and solutions emerge.
It engrains what you know.( Nothing helps deepen knowledge as effectively as sharing it)
It expands what you know.
It establishes your reputation as an authority.
It increases your professional value.( When your expertise helps the entire team, you become a more valuable part of it. Your presence is worth more the organization—and that can translate into tangible rewards and real dollars.)

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L'attention l' auteur :  Pr  Amina Azmani Ce qui est essentiel, c’est l’attention, la prise de conscience, l’observation....